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History of Books

What is book?

A book is a set or collection of written, exemplified, printed, or blank sheets that made of paper, parchment, or other material, generally fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is known as a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book formed in electronic format is known as an e-book.


The History of books

The history of books spans centuries, millennia even, and it's hard to pinpoint exactly when books were first invented. Archaeologists have discovered tablets containing writing, which may be considered some of the earliest books, dating back to 2000 B.C. in the ancient world. 

The earliest books were made on papyrus, a type of paper made from a flat, thin material produced from the stems of the papyrus plant, which was popular among Ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilisations. These texts were usually written in ink on the papyrus which had been cut into small strips, dried and stuck to a wooden board. Papyrus books were usually shared among very small communities, and were created and used for religious and philosophical purposes.

In about 1455, Johannes Gutenberg introduced the first-ever printing press which allowed for multiple copies of books or documents to be made. The printing press allowed books to be made in a cost-effective way, the demand for books increased drastically. The number of titles available increased significantly, and books became widely accessible to a much larger audience.

As the 18th century approached, book production saw another major shift: the bound book. Instead of just a thin wooden block, hardbound books began to be made for artists, authors, and private buyers. This allowed books to last much longer and remain intact, as well as giving them a more aesthetically pleasing look. However, the cost of producing these hardbound books was still quite high, so they were only available to a select group of wealthy buyers.

The 19th century saw the increased development of the modern book. With the invention of the typewriter and other publishing technologies, books became affordable and widely available. Libraries began to form, providing books to people from all areas of the socio-economic spectrum. By the mid-1800s, the advancement of newer printing methods allowed for mass production of paperbacks, increasing the accessibility of books even more.

As the 20th century rolled in, so did the invention of the electric typewriter and more digital printing methods. In addition, computers were developed and the internet was introduced, further pushing the advancement of books. From digital-printing machines to online bookstores, books are now widely accessible and affordable.

Today, books are no longer limited to physical objects; we can now download e-books and access them from any device with an internet connection. We have also seen the rise of audiobooks, which allow readers to enjoy their books anytime, anywhere, no matter what they're doing.

The evolution of books has been incredible to witness over the centuries. From clay tablets to paperbacks, and now digital e-books, books have certainly come a long way. And books are still just as popular now as they have been throughout history � proof that they are here to stay.