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Great Redwall Feast

Jacques-a Red Wall Artist

The Great Redwall Feast was written by Brian Jacques and illustrated by the well-known Redwall artist, Christopher Denise. Published in 1996, The Great Redwall Feast tells about the creatures of Redwall preparing for a feast while Matthias the Warriormouse, Constance the Badger Guardian, Foremole, and the Abbot are traveling in Mossflower Woods questing for a mysterious Bobbatan Weary Nod. The book features the Abbeydwellers bustling in Redwall, cooking, gathering flowers, and doing other chores for their beloved Abbot. Many characters from Redwall and Mattimeo are shown in the book. However, baby Bungo the mole appears in the book but is not featured in any other Redwall novel. The warm-colored illustrations by Christpher Denise were drawn on butcher paper using pastels, and instead of showing the Redwallers preparing for war, it shows them much happier and friendly.