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John Scalzi


A brief beginning to me: I was born in 1969 and by 1983 it became clear to me that I had better become a writer because everything else was actual work. Since I graduated from college in 1991, I've been a full-time professional writer, sometimes I working for others and sometimes working for myself. For the last some years I've been working for myself.

At the instant (November 2004), I primarily write books: by the end of 2004 I will have five books in the stores. These books are The Rough Guide to Money Online (2000), The Rough Guide to the Universe (2003), Book of the Dumb (2003), Book of the Dumb 2 (2004) and my initial published novel, Old Man's War (2005 release date, but out late 2004). In addition to these books, I have three books presently in the pipeline: The Rough Guide to Science Fiction Film (mid-2005), The Ghost Brigades, which is a sequel to Old Man's War (late 2005/early 2006), and another novel, The Android's Dream (late 2006/early 2007).

In addition to these books under my own name, I am a regular contributor to books in the Uncle John's Bathroom Reader series. Books in the succession to which I have contributed include Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into the Universe, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into the Great Lives, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into Texas and Uncle John Presents Mom's Bathtub Reader. In the near future I'll also contribute articles for their forthcoming books on Michigan and New Jersey.

Aside from books, I am also the main Entertainment Media Critic for Official US Playstation Magazine, which means I write DVD and CD reviews for the magazine, as well as a column called "Watchdog," in which I converse about the social and legal issues surrounding video games. I am also regular writer for my local newspaper, the Dayton Daily News, for which I also write a DVD review column. And if that's not sufficient I'm also a paid blogger, working for America Online.

Aside from work, I reside in the small rural town of Bradford, Ohio with my wife Kristine, my daughter Athena and our pets Kodi, Rex, Lopsided Cat and Ghlaghghee .


Jan 2005 - Novel, Old Man's War. Tor Books

Winter 2005 - Featured selection, The Science Fiction Book Club

Dec 2005 - Featured selection, Barnes & Noble Explorations

Jan 2006 - A Sci Fi Essential book

Feb 2006 - Novel, The Ghost Brigades. Tor Books

Mar 2006 - Featured Selection, the Science Fiction Book Club

Jan 2006 - A Sci-Fi Essential Book